Although our training firm’s name is FutureLeaders, most of the time we get the opportunity to work with current leaders in their respective industries.
Serving Denmark-based multinational Novo Nordisk Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. on Sunday and Monday (Oct 23-24) via the Leadership Development Program is a case in point.
It was a great pleasure working with the brilliant, high quality managers from various technical as well as supporting departments such as finance and HR. The intellectual horsepower and the sense of humour of the 25 participants presented me and my co-facilitator Nazmus Sadat Parvez amazing experiences of joy, surprise and even occasional challenge!
Now a few words on the client: Novo Nordisk is a global healthcare company, founded in 1923. It’s purpose is to drive change to defeat diabetes and other serious chronic diseases such as obesity, and rare blood and rare endocrine diseases.
It does so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines and working to prevent and ultimately cure the diseases we treat.
They employ more than 50,000 people in 80 offices around the world, and market our products in 170 countries.