Course Overview
Now-a-days many organizations are seeing ways to enhance their competitive advantage in an increasingly hostile environment. With the uncertainty of the economic climate along with increased global competition, any businesses needs manageable solutions that will positively impact the productivity and business growth. One solution which has turned out to be substantial magical, but which has traditionally been overlooked in many organizations for ages, is the development of Emotional Intelligence of its workforce.
Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. Emotional Intelligence is “the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions” (Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer ,1990). Daniel Goleman, the father of modern emotional intelligence popularized its concept and application and thus revolutionized the productivity of the industry at large.
This one day learning program is designed with “4S Model” by the resource person Prof. Moinuddin Chowdhury based on the Goleman model of EI but with the extra spice of practical inputs for modern managerial leaders to understand and apply Ei at work.
Profile of the Facilitator
Mr. Chowdhury, a Certified Learning and Development Professional (AHLC) and PPA Practitioner by Thomas International-UK is the bridge between the academia and the industry. He is one of the most popular and successful Professors (Adjunct) at Independent University for Business English, Bangladesh (IUB) and at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) for one of the top most soft skills-Presentation Skill. He is the professional and passionate human resource development expert with special focus on Emotional Intelligence, Effective Business Communication, Leadership & Management Skills, Positivity for inspiration and Competency Based Training (CBT).
He is a Guest Faculty for BCS Officers of different Cadres for Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD). He has already spent more than 15 years of his professional career as an expert of HRD Personality.
His professional attachment as as HRD Consultant, Corporate Trainer and Coach includes ILO, EU, USAID, Youngone, Mondial Orient Ltd. C&A, Auchan International Ltd. SPEED, FHI-360 and many other renowned local and multi-national organizations in Bangladesh. He is also a Guest Speaker for the Institute of Business Administration (IBA)-University of Dhaka as an Industry Expert and Leader delivering exclusive speech on “Business Communication”. He delivered “Leadership Excellence-The VIP Model” by his own research in a seminar for all honorable members of ICMAB (Institute of Cost and Management Accountants Bangladesh). He continues to help and inspire people-the youth & the professionals- of Bangladesh to inspire for entrepreneurship and practise the best norm of management & leadership skills more effectively and scientifically. He believes in the adage “Together we are stronger”. He heads his own brain child organization “Society for Leadership Skills Development (SLSD) as Founder President & CEO. The very mission of SLSD is “To Empower People To Enrich Human Lifestyle”. He is the Co-Founder and Secretary General of Bangladesh Organization for Learning and Development (BOLD). Recently he has been elected Founder Director for Federation of Bangladesh Human Resource Organizations (FBHRO).
Learning Objectives
At the end of the program learners will be able to
-recognize their respective emotion
-control and tune the emotion
-identify emotions of others
-use the positive vibe of work place to leverage collaboration especially in communication, team dynamics, negotiations, conflict management and so forth
Target Audiences:
Executives, Managers, Senior Managers and Team
Workshop Methodology
Icebreaking, case study, role play, interactive discussion, games, power point, relevant video and so on
Day-long session plan
Essentials of emotional intelligence
Human brain and EQ
Self-Control with motivation
Useful tools to control and navigate emotion productively
Social Awareness or Empathy
Useful tools to increase social awareness
Social Skills
How to be an emotionally intelligent leader at work with a dynamic team?
Communication with empathy
Dealing with conflict with the right EQ
Application of learning tools
Question and answer session
Certificate awarding ceremony
Registration and Other Details
Fees: BDT 5000/- + VAT per person | Early Bird: 10% discount if paid by January 28, 2020 | Group: 15% discount for 5 or more delegates (There is no opportunities to take both discounts at the same time!)
This Daylong workshop includes lunch and couple of refreshments. Certificates, folders, handouts, and copies of the workshop materials will be given to participants.
Get in Touch
+8801843640517 (Tanvir Hasan)
[email protected]
+8801619800459 (Md. Asif Razzak)
[email protected]